28 junho 2007

Óbidos ...

here I come ...

27 junho 2007

... mais um ...

Don't know why I still slept on my side of the bed
The emptiness when you were gone kept ringing in my head
Told myself I really had to move along now
Stop regretting all the things I left unsaid

So I tore up your letters
Took your picture off my wall
I deleted your number, it was too hard not to call
Felt a little better, told myself I'd be fine
Got to live for the good times up ahead

'Cause everywhere I go
There's a love song that reminds me of you
And even though I knew I had to be strong
I was still not over you
'Cause I still believe and I could see how there's nothing left of you and
That time is over...
'Cause I'm so not over you

26 junho 2007

agora estou assim ...

My shattered dreams and broken heart
Are mending on the shelf
I saw you holding hands
Standing close to someone else
Now I sit all alone
Wishing all my feeling was gone
I gave my best to you
Nothing for me to do

But I've one last cry
One last cry
Before I leave it all behind
I've gotta put you out of my mind this time
Stop living a lie I guess
I'm down to my last cry

I was here, you were there
Guess we never could agree
While the sun shines on you
I need some love to rain on me
Still I sit all alone
Wishing all my feeling was gone
Gotta get over you
Nothing for me to do
I guess I'm down ... To my last cry ...

One Last Cry - Marina Elali

25 junho 2007

24 junho 2007

You want all my love and my devotion
You want my love and soul right on the line
I have no doubt that I could love you, forever
The only trouble is
You really don't have the time
You've got one night only
One night only
That's all I have to spare
One night only
Lets not pretend to care
In the morning this feeling will be gone
It has no chance going on
Something so right has got no chance to live
So let's forget about chances
It's one night I will give
One night only ...

23 junho 2007

... drowning ... know the feeling?
e tá tudo dito ...

20 junho 2007

é cada vez mais importante encontrar o equilíbrio entre o ...
têm que agir em uníssono ...

19 junho 2007

The path that I'm walking ... I must go alone ... I must take the baby steps 'til I'm full grown ... Fairytales don't always have a happy ending, do they ... And I foresee the dark ahead if I stay
Fergie - Big Girls Don't Cry

smile ...

quando sorrimos passamos felicidade aos demais ... e, ao passar essa felicidade, acontece como que um reflexo ... importa mais felicidade para dentro de nós também
comportamento gera comportamento
por isso ... toca a SORRIR :-)

17 junho 2007

Six degrees of separation
Whom will you touch in life?
Who will touch you?
They say that anyone on the planet can be connected to any other person through a chain of six people...


... dá que pensar!

16 junho 2007

a não perder ...

em estreia nacional a exposição da
World Press Photo
no Teatro Municipal do Funchal

... até 1 de Julho!


Hoy tras el abismo del tiempo
Vuelven tantos recuerdos
Imposibles de borrar.

Miro hacia atrás en silencio
Todos esos momentos
Que ya nunca volverán.

A pesar de estar muriendo en soledad
Hoy decido regresar.

era uma vez ...

... era uma vez um rapaz cujo sonho era apenas ser feliz

15 junho 2007

... tu ... sim TU ! ! !
could it be?

13 junho 2007

sorte ou azar?
depende do que vier a seguir ...

12 junho 2007

... o que é que eu faço com isto?

11 junho 2007

hoje sinto-me assim ...

10 junho 2007

... a não perder amanhã à noite na RTP2: A ANSIEDADE DO STATUS

"somos mais ricos do que nunca. Vivemos mais tempo, temos mais bens e perdemo-nos em grandes luxos. Então, porque não conseguimos ser mais felizes?! Contudo, existe uma preocupação acima de tudo que nos consegue tirar o sono: "o status". Terei sucesso? Será que tenho o carro e as roupas certas? Será que as pessoas pensam que sou um falhado?

Nesta série documental, Alain de Botton, desafia a ideia daquilo que nós fazemos, onde vivemos e o que possuimos, poder determinar a nossa felicidade. Alain acredita que nós estamos certos em nos preocuparmos acerca do "status", mas que andamos à procura dele nos lugares errados" ...

09 junho 2007

A Profecia Celestial ...

Nas florestas do Peru, um antigo manuscrito é descoberto revelando segredos que estão mudando o nosso mundo. São nove visões que cada homem e mulher vão alcançar, sucessivamente, na medida em que atingirmos uma verdadeira cultura espiritual na Terra.

*** *** ***

The First Insight - A Critical Mass
Insight of Awakening, it focuses on the mysterious coincidences in everyday life.

The Second Insight - The Longer Now
This insight represents an awakening from material security and comfort.

The Third Insight - A Matter of Energy
We, as humans, can project our energy by focusing our attention on the desired direction, influencing other energy systems and increasing the pace of coincidences in our lives.

The Fourth Insight - The Struggle for Power
When we feel weak and insecure, we tend to manipulate others to give us the energy we need. By successfully dominating others, we feel more powerful, but they are left weaker and often fight back.

The Fifth Insight - The Message of the Mystics
When we experience a connection with divine energy, insecurity and violence end. A sense of lightness, a sense of peace and the constant sensation of love are measures of these connections.

The Sixth Insight - Clearing the Past
When we are under stress we can lose connection and as a result, begin to steal energy from others. It is at this time we can determine what methods we use to control others.

The Seventh Insight - Engaging the Flow
Dreams are valuable when determining our path in life. Dreams can be an essential part of determining who we are and why we do the things we do.

The Eighth Insight - The Interpersonal Ethic
We can uplift the spirits of every person who comes into our lives. With the strength of our attention we can uplift those with whom we cross paths, sending energy their way so they feel suddenly insightful, able to see their lives and ideas with a higher clarity and so perhaps give us an important truth.

The Ninth Insight - The Emerging Culture
As humans focus on synchronistic growth, we will move into ever-higher energy states, ultimately transforming our bodies into spiritual form and uniting this dimension with the afterlife dimension, thus ending the cycle of birth and death.
James Redfield ...

08 junho 2007

... Hotel Jardim do Atlântico

silêncio ... ar puro ... uma paisagem de cortar a respiração ... ingredientes mais que suficientes para um passeio em contacto directo com a natureza
... experimentem!

07 junho 2007

The mind is everything ...
what you think
... you become!

05 junho 2007


por vezes tem mesmo que ser assim ...

04 junho 2007

... just wanna lay back and
... what´s the next move?

03 junho 2007

02 junho 2007

Todos precisamos de